Motorhead (Live) | Motorhead |

Motorhead (Live)

Testo Motorhead (Live)

Sunrise, wrong side of another day
Sky-high and six thousand miles away
Don‘t know how long I‘ve been awake
Wound up in an amazing state

Can‘t get enough and you know its righteous stuff
Goes up like prices at Christmas, Motörhead
Remember me now, Motörhead, all right

Brain-dead total amnesia
Get some mental anaesthesia
Don‘t move, I‘ll shut the door and kill the lights
I guess I‘ll see ya all left behind

All good clean fun, have another stick of gum
Man you look better already, Motörhead
Remember me now, Motörhead, all right

My, my, my, my, my, wahhawah

Fourth day, five day marathon
We‘re moving like a parallelogram
Don‘t move, I‘m certainly gonna kill the lights
If I can‘t be wrong, I must be right

I should be tired, and all I am is wired
Ain‘t felt this good for an hour
Motörhead, remember me now, Motörhead, all night

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Motörhead, remember me now, Motörhead
It‘s only you now Motörhead
Yeah, yeah, yeah

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